Saturday, June 03, 2006

Well I made the slice - I cheated and brought a cheap packet mix ( I have totally no waiting ability and things were going along swimmingly (though I had to use a round cake pan as I had no square) and then - Tyler wanted picking up during the caramel stirring - not good so I tried to see if he would be happy in the high chair near me but away from hot caramel - no deal - so a bit got burnt while trying to fix him and the rest was undercooked so its slightly sloppy. Still doesn't taste bad but not what I was hoping for. :(

Oh well back to the cookbook for something equally as sinful.

Craftster challenge - have really truly almost finished another hundred sequins or so and I'm done - not happy with my banana - though I did come up with a great Idea - I cut a banana shape out of Styrofoam box and spraypainted it - came back later to find that the spray pant had melted the FOAM - did not expect that. So I have a fugly Banana so I'm just going to hide it behind the fruit and leave it so just a hint is showing through ( the official excuse is that in Australia at the moment bananas are $10 a kg so its been so long since I could afford them I had forgotten what they look like.). I'm still happy with the rest - so it will be done and posted tomorrow!

Other crafts
Started a crochet puppy for Tyler
Need to hem and make the waist on Tylers pants - maybe add a applique on the bottom of one leg - a nice dino or truck or something.
need to buy green wool for a crocodile for Joshie
Need to book the jewelry making class for me and my SIL.

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